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 Författare: Xiaowen Liu (visar 1 - 6)
Proteoform Identification -- Bok 9781071623244  
Proteoform Identification

Liangliang Sun, Xiaowen Liu
Inbunden. Springer-Verlag New York Inc., 2022.

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Proteoform Identification -- Bok 9781071623251  
Proteoform Identification

Liangliang Sun, Xiaowen Liu
E-bok. Springer US, 2022.

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Proteoform Identification -- Bok 9781071623275  
Proteoform Identification

Liangliang Sun, Xiaowen Liu
Häftad. Springer-Verlag New York Inc., 2023.

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Statistical Applications from Clinical Trials and Personalized Medicine to Finance and Business Analytics -- Bok 9783319425672  
Statistical Applications from Clinical Trials and Personalized Medicine to Finance and Business Analytics

Jianchang Lin, Bushi Wang, Xiaowen Hu, Kun Chen, Ray Liu
Inbunden. Springer International Publishing AG, Schweiz, 2016.

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Statistical Applications from Clinical Trials and Personalized Medicine to Finance and Business Analytics -- Bok 9783319425689  
Statistical Applications from Clinical Trials and Personalized Medicine to Finance and Business Analytics

Jianchang Lin, Bushi Wang, Xiaowen Hu, Kun Chen, Ray Liu
E-bok. Springer International Publishing, Schweiz, 2016.

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Statistical Applications from Clinical Trials and Personalized Medicine to Finance and Business Analytics -- Bok 9783319826103  
Statistical Applications from Clinical Trials and Personalized Medicine to Finance and Business Analytics

Jianchang Lin, Bushi Wang, Xiaowen Hu, Kun Chen, Ray Liu
Häftad. Springer International Publishing AG, Schweiz, 2018.

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